Real Estate Promotion - Bulk Call Service Case in India


The agency is constructing luxury real estate for sale. Agents have a huge database with phone numbers of clients who left applications or completed another deal with the agency before.

New properties appear almost every week, so agents need to inform their clients really fast — before the price and the cost of maintenance grow multiply.


There are too many clients who need to be called quickly. Especially in a sales season, the current staff isn’t able to inform them all on time – before clients get an offer from the competitors.

The real estate agency needs to increase the number of agents to solve the problem, but it will cost too much and erode the profit.


Inform current clients about new apartments' completion in a short time..


1 Agency collected all bases with clients who ever contacted them with applications for the estate.
Responsible agent merged it in one file and loaded into Effebot account. The robot needed to call 3500 contacts.

2 A voice actor recorded the audio clip.
It is important to interest clients who can afford a luxury by the first word – so the speaker’s voice should be pleasant and sound reliable.

3 The call contented an IVR menu.
It was needed to facilitate the segmentation of interested clients.

After a call the robot sent information to the real-time statistics which can be downloaded from the account. Agents got contacts of interested clients and made the second call to confirm a deal.

Our advice

Calculate the conversion you expect before you add the option of transferring the call to a manager. It may happen that your staff will not be able to handle the caseload.

What was automatized?

Calling a huge amount of phone numbers in a short time

Informing current clients about new apartments ready for sale

Sorting the base on interested clients and others


Effebot called phone numbers from the loaded base and informed contacts about a new building’s completion.

After that, the robot asked if the client was interested in the apartment purchase. The client could answer by using touch-tone keypad:

Press 1 — phone number go to an agent. The robot thanks to the client and finishes the call. The agent does a second call later.

Press 2 — phone number excludes from the base. This client won’t get another call before the next estate will be ready for sale.

Audio clip sample



phone numbers


contacts answered the call

990 ₹

was spent


clients pressed 1

The robot called the entire base in couple of hours. Business developers would spend weeks for the same task for comparison.

The huge part of current clients got information about new object is ready for completion – even before sales started. That’s increased their loyalty to the agency.

At the same time, agents did not waste their time for those who are not interested in a real estate purchase right now. They concentrated on those who confirmed their desire - and achieved more deals successfully completed.

The one potential purchaser costed only 50 ₹

Just the one deal brought thousandfold more profit than the agency spent.

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