Enhance Your Communication with Multicall Cloud Telephony Services

Multi caller

Effebot becomes better every day. Now we are developing a new function which will allow contacting more than one client at the same time.
Organize voice conferences and consultations with a few clicks!

With Effebot you can

Low mailing price

Automate connection

Add clients to a conference automatically by CRM integration

Reduce time for answer of a call-center operator

Be online 24/7

Record your speech and the robot will present it

Make your investments profitable

Call worldwide

Easily reach your clients from all other the world without extra fees

Increase conversion

Reach everyone

There is no need to install any programs to join a conference

What is Multi caller?

Multi-party calls allow inviting more than one client to a conversation. The robot calls a client and after getting an answer connects him to a conference.
It is a great opportunity to make presentations for those groups of customers who live in different time zones - just record a speech and the robot organize a meeting when it is convenient. Effebot will answer an audience’s questions or save them in your personal account.
Present your company in a new way with Effebot Multi caller!

Become the perfect speaker with Effebot

Try first

As we offer you a new feature we also give you an opportunity to start a short conference for free and assess all benefits you can use for your business.

Present your offer

A conference becomes better if a speaker uses his voice. Record your presentation and answers or let the robot generate audio out your text.

Adapt to everyone

There is no problem if your clients live in a different time zone. Use a plan option to start a meeting when it is convenient for your customers and the robot will not disappoint you.

Get an audience

You will be able to invite up to 10 clients to your conference at the same time - the robot will support dialogue with each of them!

The best finish for a presentation

Confirm your final statement with true words and automatically send SMS to those clients who were interested. Just add this function when you customize your broadcast.

Pay for real actions

We have no subscriptions: you will not lose all your money when a month ends, because you will pay only for those conferences that actually happened.

Assess consumer interest

Check how many listeners joined your conference in its statistics.
Learn what customers told, what asked, how long the conversation lasted, and much more. All details are saved and available in your personal account in real-time.
Make your presentation more useful and effective with Effebot!


What is bulk calls cost?

The price for one call is calculated by different options, but the main is the length of the conversation. You pay as much as the robot spoke with a client. The cost per second of a call depends on your country. To calculate the exact price for your country and get a full price list for all countries, please write to us at [email protected].
Did the client miss the call? You will not pay for it. And we do not ask for any subscription fees or hidden charges.

Can your robot convert text to speech (audio)?

While you plan broadcasting you can choose between three options: to load a recorded clip, make it by yourself, or let our robot generate audio out of your text. If you select the third one, Effebot will voice your message by a female or a male voice.
After the finish of the process, press “Listen in advance” to hear what you got and correct the message if needed.

How many of my clients will realize that they are speaking with a robot?

If you want your client to not recognize they are speaking with a machine you need to record an audio message by a real human voice with imperfect, realistic speech. Our managers can help you to make a literate script for your task – it will reduce the chance a client will recognize a robot to 5%.

How much time does it take to initialize bulk calls?

On average you need about 3 minutes to load a base, record a message and start your broadcasting. For promotion messages like “Big Sale in Beauty Monster. Discounts 30%, 40% and even 50% before Tuesday!” you could spend even less time.
Complex scripts with many stages will require more time, but you can always ask our managers for help.
When you start broadcasting, the robot begins to call your clients after 5-30 minutes. This time is needed for our moderation – we need to be sure your messages do not include inappropriate or illegal information.
You can make a plan for your broadcasting and start it whenever it is convenient for you and your customers.

How many numbers Effebot can call in an hour?

Effebot can call your clients with a speed of around 300 000 numbers per hour – it is the maximum possible speed. We can unlock it if required for the task. For standard broadcasting, you can choose a speed from 50 to 54 000 calls in an hour.

What the difference between Effebot service and SMS/E-mail messages?

SMS or e-mail is often lost by customers, that is why they have low conversion – from 0,01 to 0,05%. Calls are much more effective and cheaper than SMS at the same time. Effebot is also more convenient than transferring a task to an outsource call center.
Check all advantages of our service right now and for free – we offer a trial balance for your first voice broadcastings!

Can your robot send an SMS message to a client?

It is possible if you use the IVR system in your broadcasting, for example, a client answers your question by pressing phone buttons. The robot will send an SMS to a customer if he asks after the call ends.

