IVR Reports: What It Is and How to Use Them Best for Your Business

IVR system increases the performance of business processes which are related to customer interactions. If you use automatic calls for your tasks, the IVR menu will greatly boost their quality and efficiency.

In addition, IVR reporting allows you to get more data from customers. First of all, clients get an opportunity to speak out. As you know, if you want to find out what a client needs you should just ask. Therefore, IVR is a useful tool for business and contact centers.

What is IVR?

IVR (Interactive Voice Response) is an interactive voice menu that acts as a conversation router during an automated call. Phone pad keys or keywords are used to switch dialogue stages.

The IVR system is used for both outgoing calls (presentation, data collection, NPS surveys, etc.) and incoming calls (FAQs, request processing, making appointments, etc.).

The performance of IVR depends on the quality of the script and recorded clips. The speed of reaction and the smoothness of transitions between stages also matters — no one wants to wait half an hour until the robot figures to move on to the next question.

How IVR works

What processes does IVR automate?

Consultations. Robots are able to answer common customer questions—customers don't have to wait on the contact center’s line to get a response to their request. In complex scripts the robot can support a full-fledged dialogue.

Collecting feedback. The robot can conduct interviews — ask questions, recognize answers and write the data down in a report. All is needed is to turn the possibility of a free response on then the robot will not interrupt a speaker.

Base segmentation. With the interactive response algorithm users can express their opinion about the offer, and the business can immediately filter out non-target customers.

Offer confirmation. The IVR system allows you to combine several interaction channels. For example, calls and SMS: after the company presents a product by a voice call, it can confirm the offer with an automatic message. So a potential client can reach the final stage of a deal faster.

Closing a deal. This is the case when a robot and an operator of a call center can work together effectively. A transfer of a call to a manager can be included in an interactive script. A business does not lose the connection with a client, so the chances of a successful sale increase.

However, even the most advanced IVR system will be useless if no one is analyzing the results. Analysis of IVR reports will help to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the offer. It will also allow segmenting the base in order to contact prospective customers faster and increase sales.

Now let's find out how typical IVR reports look and how to work with them correctly.

What are IVR reports?

An outbound IVR Call Tree

Generally, IVR reports are statistics which were collected by a robot during voice mailings. Usually they contain data about the number of calls, their length and cost. Sometimes the IVR report can contain data about clients’ reactions: what they say or what keys they clicked.

If a client agrees to the offer, he turns into an interested lead. It is a customer with whom a company needs to contact in the first place — by transferring the application to the manager, sending an additional message or calling back personally.

If a client refuses the offer, his contacts can be postponed. For example, in the Effebot service, you can set up the option which will send such phone numbers in the blacklist immediately — those clients will not receive calls again.

If the IVR report showed that the client did not answer anything, it is a reason to work out the contact further. Perhaps, during a conversation with a robot, such a client had questions that only a human is able to answer. The sooner the company identifies the problem in program performance and contacts the client, the higher the chance that the deal can be concluded. Thus IVR reports help to segment client bases faster.

Such reporting often contains recordings of conversations which can be listened to or downloaded.

Why do you need call recordings?

You can fully assess the reaction of a potential client. It may happen that keywords do not reflect the whole situation. For example, a client may point out some disadvantage in the offer, which is important to take into account in future interactions. Even if a client refuses to continue a dialogue, listening to the recordings will be useful to identify problems with an offer or a product.

You can collect objections for processing. Even if a client dropped the call without giving a specific answer, you need to continue working with him. There is no need to repeat the dialogue again, so you’d prepare your words in advance. You can collect the data by listening to a call recording and highlighting the main objections that this client had.

You can detect errors in the mailing process. Although the robot always follows a script, this can lead to some errors during the conversation. For example, the program incorrectly recognized the answer — wrote it down as a refusal, or vice versa. This occurs rarely, yet it happens. You can compare the results with recordings to avoid loss due to program failures.

IVR Reports in Effebot

In Effebot you do not need to make any requests to get a detailed call report. All the data will be available in your account right after the voice mailing is completed.

Go to the “Mailings” section from the menu on the left to find a report. Here you will see a table with all launched mailings. The table contains the data on each mailing: ID, creation and launch dates, speed, price, a base size.

The status of each mailing is also written in this table:

“Created” — a mailing was just created and launched.

“Under moderation” — a mailing is checked by moderators. Moderation usually lasts from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on the service workload.

“Declined” — a mailing was declined by moderators. A reason why the mailing was declined can be found in the column “Comment”.

“In progress” — calls are being made right now. The data about the size of the base is indicated in the column “Size”: general quantity of numbers is colored black, numbers in the stop list are gray, numbers of those clients who answered are green, numbers of those clients who didn’t answer are red, numbers the robot didn't call yet are blue.

“On pause” — a mailing was put on pause. It may happen because the call time specified in the schedule didn’t come yet, the funds on the balance ran out or a user paused the mailing manually.

“Finished” — a mailing is finished. This status allows you to check detailed statistics — the data is available for download and analysis.

You need to click the “Report” button in the “Mailing report and managing” column to go to the report page.

What data can be found in the Effebot IVR report:

— A chart showing the number of customers who answered or did not answer the call;

— General information on mailing: a launch time, a mailing status, speed, calls’ price, etc.;

— Audio clips which were in this mailing;

— An IVR script layout.

On this page, the full report can be downloaded. You can also choose only the contacts of those who did not answer the call, or those whom the robot did not call. All files are saved in .xls format.

Effebot Voice Mailings Menu

The second tab contains the data on individual calls. On this page, you can check the price for each call, as well as filter contacts by phone numbers, voice menu blocks or tags, if they were specified in the settings.

Results of a Bulk voice mailing campaign: example

With Effebot IVR reporting you can easily calculate the cost of your leads, analyze calls’ performance and predict the results of future mailings.

You can find step-by-step instructions for Effebot reporting in our videos:


Data monitoring improves the quality of business processes. Thanks to easy access to information, you can constantly analyze your actions and interactions with clients. It will positively affect both the contact center performance and the whole business.

Effebot was created with the idea to make interactions between business and clients easier. It is still our main goal. We made the IVR reporting system so you can see the results and create new solutions to take customer service to the next level.

Our IVR solution allows you to automate different tasks such as consultations, collecting feedback, segmentation, confirmation — and even closing a deal by just one call!

Effebot implement a modern reporting software which includes all the data you need: prices, contacts of those who answered a call, clients’ reaction, etc. It displays your consumers’ engagement at each stage of a dialogue and allows to assess the performance of your voice mailing.

Contact us today to sign up for a free demo of the Effebot software and reporting system. We will give you a consultation, help you with registration and select the best solution for your tasks.

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