Our client teaches young businessmen how to gain success in their areas. He organizes training courses, webinars, and so on.
Around 300 people are usually registered on our client’s free masterclasses. 40% of them attend the event.
These free classes are used to advertise fee-based business coaching which will give the promoter a profit. Unfortunately, almost all participants forget about the offer right after a meeting and do not purchase a training course. Conversion of masterclasses equals nearly 1%.
There is a need to repeat the training courses offer in a short time to hold the interest of free masterclasses participants. SMS and email messages are not suited for this task – it is easy to miss them, and therefore to lose a client.
Calling everyone by yourself is too time-consuming and expensive.
If the task will be transferred to a call center, our client will need to sell at least 3 courses to cover the cost.
Phone numbers base
$ 63
Price for call center’s service
$ 25
Price for a training course
It is better to use a call center service for a lot of calls starting from 1 000 numbers and more.
Our client needed an alternative solution for 200-300 contacts and call them as faster as possible.
To speed up advertising calls and to increase the number of sellings
1 The phone numbers the client collected during registration for the last masterclass were loaded in the personal account. There were 297 contacts in total.
2 Our client made a message with the offer to buy a training course with a discount for participants. He recorded it by his own voice – it is familiar for those who visit his website, masterclasses, or webinars. This voice gave recipients an understanding of what to expect from the call.
A short and clear presentation helped to consolidate the effect – that is why around 70% of contacts listened to the full message.
The IVR system was used for this voice broadcasting. It has enabled to hold the interest after a presentation and 5% of clients finished the call with a purchase.
Dialing and calling a lot of phone number
Sending the link to the web page with application for the course
Informing subscribers about new offers and discounts
The robot called all phone numbers from the database which was loaded in the client’s personal account. When the contact picked up the phone the robot was starting to play the recorded audio clip with greetings and the offer.
If contact has listened to the full message and still was staying on the line, Effebot offered to apply for a training course right now and gave a choice:
Press “1” to submit an application for a course
and the robot sent an SMS message with the link to a website
Press “2” to think and to apply later
and the robot said “See you later!” and finished the call
Phone numbers base
$ 375
Respondents took the survey
Contacts picked up their phones and listened the full message
$ 15
Price for Effebot service
The robot called all contacts in an hour.
It is 2,5 times faster than could do operators of a call center, apart from the fact that the client would waste his time to order for service.
In addition, Effebot has offered a price 4 times lower than a call center.
Because the robot sends the link to the application automatically the client did not lose interested customers and got a 5% conversion of calls. He was able to sell 15 courses for one day and to cover the cost for this campaign.
Effebot saved the client $ 48 for one voice broadcasting
And helped him to earn 25 times more than he spent
Our client’s feedback
“The main task after my webinars or masterclasses is to convince participants they need to learn more. It is easier when they feel full of energy because of ideas they now know and they are ready to study further. But have just one phone in my hands – I cannot call everyone in as fast as I want. Effebot helped me to bridge this gap. It was really easy – I was able to start such an effective campaign on my own! I will definitely use this service for my future goals.“